Lesson 29 - 29th May 2021

 Lesson 29 - 29th May 2021

First NAVEX (Navigation Exercise) away from the airfield.

The session today was in 2 parts.  The first was for Martin to assess my general circuits and landings and then to take me round the extended circuit.  The second part was for me to fly solo away from eh airfield and repeat the extended circuit.  

There are no extended descriptions in this entry as all I did was to fly  circuit.  I flew using 4 directions. 090, 360, 270 then 180 and then repeat for a second time.  So go East, go North, go West go South then finally back East.

I just followed the directions given to me for the rejoin so more details will be added to the next entry as it was covered in more depth.

35 minutes Dual

50 minutes Solo


1 hour 25 minutes £191.25

Total Costs = £6126.36

Total Hours Icarus C42 = 31 hours 20 minutes


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