16th May - COVID-19 Update

So today is the 16th of May 2020 and we have been on COVID-19 lockdown since the 23rd March, so there has been no flying at all.  As of Wednesday 13th May, the Government started to relax the rules on lockdown to allow you to go out and about more, but still observing Social Distancing, which means keeping 2 metres from anyone who is not part of your household.  They have relaxed the rules on driving so it does mean you can drive to somewhere to get your daily exercise and you are able to exercise as much as you like.  It does mean that I can get the kit out of the garage and go for a drive when the weather picks up.

On Friday 14th at lunchtime, the BMAA (British Microlight Aircraft Association) released a statement to say that the DfT (Department for Transport) has agreed that GA flying could resume, but with restrictions.  This means that only solo flying or flying with someone from your own household is allowed, there is no other dual flying, which means there is no revalidation and, more importantly to me, no flying instruction.  At least it means that airfields can open again and flying clubs like GS Aviation can start to get some well needed income coming in.

Clench Common is open to qualified and current pilots although the clubhouse is closed and they are limiting the number of people on the airfield.  The aircraft have to be fully wiped down after flying and everyone needs to wear a mask.  At least it is a start.

So where does this leave me?  Well, I am not sure that dual flying to include instruction will start anytime soon.  There is no way you can be socially distant in a C42, or any small light aircraft or microlight for that matter.  The next target date for change is 4th July, so we will have to see if that brings any developments.  The main focus is to prevent a second spike of cases so people are being very cautious.   In reality, I may not get to fly until later in the year and if that is the case, so be it.  I did start to look at the next few exams but I don't have any way to sit them yet so will hold off on that.  At my age I am finding it harder and harder to digest and retain the information.  I have always been one that learns by doing and not just reading.  I envy anyone who can read something and take it all in.

All I can do now is wait until we get the next announcement.


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