Lesson 18, 19, 20, 21 - 29th August, 5th, 9th and 12th September


I am at the stage of my training now where I am trying to master the hardest part of learning to fly, the landing.  

I have just about got the hang of the take off and climb out although I have been getting my fair share of cross winds, so that has been an extra learning experience.  It has to be done though, as there are airfields that I will visit where there is a single runway so you have no choice but to take off and land in a cross wind.

I am probably doing between 15 and 20 circuits and landings per lesson, some where I track back and do a fresh take off and some where we just apply full power and go again.  Dave tends to get me to do a mixture of the 2, whereas Martin just prefers to do touch and go's.

I have had a couple where I have bounced back in to the air and have applied full power to go around and these were caused by not holding back on the stick enough.  I also still have the bad habit of relaxing once I am on the ground and letting the stick forward, which is not good for the aircraft.  Keeping the nose up also uses the raised wing surface as a brake to slow down so I must remember that the landing doesn't end once the main wheels are on the ground, it ends when you are at a full stop.

Once landed, I also must remember to do the taxi checks, which involves turning off the fuel pump and setting the flaps to neutral (use the check list for full details).

Whilst flying with Martin, we also looked at engine out procedures and what to do.  This involves knowing what to do if the worst were to happen.  We looked at a couple of options including using a different runway and also using nearby fields.  I think I could do with looking at these again to make myself more familiar with he process.

Overall, I think it is getting better and both Dave and Martin are happy with my progress.  Martin thinks if we get a calmer day then I am almost ready to go solo.  I could be 1 more session away or I might be many more, but I will be ready when I am ready, it is not a race.

I need to keep at it.


28/08 - 1 hour 10 - £157.50

05/09 - 1 hour 10 - £157.50

09/09 - 1 hour - £135

12/09 - 1 hour - £135

Purchases this post

4 lessons - 4 Hours 20 minutes


Total Costs = £4563.91

Total Hours Icarus C42 = 20 hours 10 minutes

Total Hours PA-28 = 1.05


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