Lesson 34 - 20th July 2021
Lesson 34 - 20th July 2021 Continuing with the solo consolidation again today. I was with Dave Slater today and we started by doing a few circuits. Although it was a glorious day, it was a bit choppy and the wind was varying between runway 2 5 and runway 3 3. My landings were not brilliant but were OK enough. Once Dave was happy, we went back to the clubhouse and plotted out a slightly different local route. It was similar to the previous route, but going a little bit further and going clockwise this time. I plotted it out on SkyDemon to see if I could follow that. I had the route on the physical map, but most people tend to use moving map technology, also called an Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) on an iPad or the like. They are the Sat Nav of the sky. I use SkyDemon as that is the most common one used in the UK. I have had a look at ForeFlight but I didn't find it as logical to use. As well as the exercise to navigate the route, anoth...