Lesson 30 - 8th June 2021

Lesson 30 - 8th June 2021

Today I was with the new instructor.  His name is David Rogerson, or Dave 2 as he is also known.  We were in the oldest of the 3 C42s, Charlie Oscar.  It may be the oldest, but there is something about it that I like, from a flying perspective.  It just seems to fly nicer than the other 2.

Dave 2 decided we would start with a couple of circuits, just so he could assess me and then I could go on and complete the extended circuits again.  However, the weather was very thermic and after a couple of aborted landing son runway 2 5, I advised that I was not comfortable flying on my own today, which Dave 2 agreed was a good shout.

We flew away from the airfield to do some general handling.  This included a couple of PFLs.  Interestingly, Dave 2 indicated that the PFL and the circuit re-join were 2 of the main items of the GST that are focussed on.  As usual, I talked my way through everything so Dave 2 was aware of my thinking process.  He commented that it was a good habit to get in to as it allows the instructor, or examiner, to know your thought processes.  The 2 PFLs went well and we then set about retuning to the airfield.

I explained that I had not had a ground briefing for the rejoin, so we went through it step by step.

When going to any airfield, you need to get the information about the overhead join height, and circuit.  For today, we were on runway 2 5 with a Left Hand circuit.  Overhead join at Clench Common is 1500 feet.  We approached from the west so hit the circuit on the downwind side of 2 5 at 1500 feet.  Once abeam the threshold of 2 5, turn 90 degrees across the end of the runway.  The turn 90 degree on to the dead side of 2 5 and reduce height from 1500 to 500, circuit height.  Once past the end of the runway turn 90 degrees on the crosswind leg and the 90 degree on to the downwind leg.  Do the down wind checks and continue on to the bass leg and then final leg. Lastly, land the aircraft.

Overall, Dave 2 was complimentary of my flying, which was nice to hear.


55 minutes £123.75

Total Costs = £6250.11

Total Hours Icarus C42 = 32 hours 15 minutes


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