Lesson 26 - 17th April 2021

It has been 5 months since I last flew.  COVID-19 has taken its toll on all activities, and flying was no exception.  We have been on another countrywide lockdown and only from the 12th April has dual flying and instruction been allowed.  I must say that I was surprised to be able to get in on the first Saturday after lockdown, but I have.  

Lesson 26

I was with Martin today.  We had to do the flight in 2 stages as we were not allowed to fly between 3pm and 4pm due the funeral of HRH Prince Phillip.

To be honest, there was not much in this one as it was just trying to get back in to the swing of things.  I remembered most things but was a bit rusty.  

The first 40 minutes was spent with a some straight and level, a couple of stalls and a PFL.

The second hour was spent on circuits.  My circuits and landings improved as the 2nd hour went on and Martin thinks I will need another hour to nail it and be ready to go solo again.


1 hour 40 minutes £225:00

Total Costs = £5552.61

Total Hours Icarus C42 = 27 hours 5 minutes


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