Lesson 6 - 16th October

No Martin today so my instructor was Dave Slater.  I had not flown with him since my Air Experience flight back in April, so the first thing he wanted to do was to go over where I was and what we needed to cover today.  From Martin's notes he could see where I was and that we had started to look at exercise 9b and we needed to progress with that and then on to exercise 10a, slow flight.

First off a class room session to go over the 2 topics, which is covered more below.  Then he had me pre-flight the aircraft and add some more fuel.  I have done these things before, but the more you do them, the more comfortable you get with them.

Take Off

As the weather was favourable, Dave said it was ideal for me to try my first take off, under his control, obviously.  After all the start up and taxi checks, we back tracked on runway 2 5.  I could have gone a little bit further down to give myself the maximum runway length, but it was OK.  Once line up on runway 2 5, he talked me through he process.  We discussed the abort point, which was the cross runway and what we would do in the event of an engine failure on take off or in the early stages of flight.  We would either land on the other side of the trees in the field or turn right and land in a field before the line of trees.

I will cove this in more detail when we officially start doing circuits.

Runway Designation

Just a quick note on this.  The runway number is an abbreviation of the compass heading that you are either taking off in to landing in, rounded to the nearest 10 degrees.  They are also shortened to 2 numbers, so the last 0 is dropped.  For example a runway running across the 270 090 axis on a compass would be referred to as two seven or zero nine, depending on the direction you are pointing.

Radio Calls

I had a go at some radio calls today, just to sat getting the hang of them.  I am on a full 2 day course soon so, this will be covered more then.  He are some of the calls I made:


Response - GOLF CHARLIE KILO VICTOR GOLF reading you strength 5'

Me - "Strength 5 GOLF VICTOR GOLF"

Me - "GOLF VICTOR GOLF backtracking runway 2 5"

Me - "GOLF VICTOR GOLF taking off runway 2 5"

Me - "GOLF VICTOR GOLF departing the control zone to the west will request rejoin later"

9b - Climbing and Descending Turns - Part 2

  • Lookout
  • T & P's
  • Airspace
Climbing turn

P - Power up
A - Attitude up
H - Hold 60 knots
T - Trim

Descending turn

A - Attitude down
P - Power down
H - Hold
T - Trim

In reality, the aircraft is trimmed for 60 knots level flight so you tend to just hold the stick where it needs to be and not keep re-trimming.

Next thing to look at was a combination of climbing and turning and also completing a climbing turn and then levelling out but continuing the turn.  We did this for both climbing and descending turns.  we also looked at transitioning from a climbing turn to the right and then straight in to a descending turn to the left and other other combinations of this.

The final aspect was for Dave to give me a height to aim for, up or down, and also a heading.  For example, we would be flying at a height of 1800ft on a heading of 180 and he would say give me a height of 1300ft and heading of 270.  He followed this with various combinations.

A quick note that if the compass is heading 270 and you want to fly 330, then you need to turn to the right so you turn away forms he heading to are trying to achieve to 'pull' the compass heading round.  If you were on 270 and you want to go to 180, you would turn to the left to 'pull' it round to you.  This is the only way I can think to describe this.

10a - Slow Flight - Introduction

The aim of this exercise is to become familiar with the feel of the aircraft in slow flight just above the stall speed, and to recognise the symptoms of the incipient stall (Incipient meaning - beginning to happen or develop). Also to restore the aircraft to safe flight before the stall occurs.

Slow flight in the C42 is between 40 and 45 knots

NB. Before doing any manoeuvre in an aircraft other that normal climbs and turns, you need to perform a HASELL check:

H - Height - minimum 1000ft AGL (above ground level)
A - Airframe - is it suitable and are flaps away
S - Security - straps, doors, loose objects
E - Engine T & P's
L - Location - is it suitable for the manoeuvre
L - Lookout

If you are doing multiple manoeuvres, then once you have done one full HASELL check you can reduce it to a HELL check.

H - Height - minimum 1000ft AGL (above ground level)
- Engine T & P's
L - Location - is it suitable for the manoeuvre
- Lookout

Who flying slow, you could have to following symptoms:

High noise
Raised Nose
Extra stick pressure
Sloppy controls

40 to 45 knots straight and level with the VSI at '0' (no climb and no sink)

Purchases this post

Lesson £162.50 - 1 hour 15 minutes

RAM iPad holder - £62.40


Total Costs = £2532.55
Total Hours PA-28 = 1.05
Total Hours Icarus C42 = 7 hours 40 minutes


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