Lesson 28 - 22nd May 2021
Lesson 28 - 22nd May 2021 It has been 3 weeks since my last flight due to the weather. There is nothing I can do about this, it is just one of the problems of learning to fly in the UK. Today was a repeat of the previous lesson. I flew with Martin for 25 minutes just to get back in to circuits and landings and then he got out and I was on my own again. I went from a shut down and this is where I made my first mistake. I should have gone from the start and gone to the intersection and run through all my checks. I did a radio check and then went for the runway. Martin made a subtle comment about had I done all my checks and I sheepishly back tracked my way to the intersection to do it. Lesson 1 . Always do the full run up checks when you are first PIC, even if you have just flown with an instructor! From there I proceeded with the task, which was to overfly down runway 33 3 times and then do a full stop landing on the 4th. From there it was a back...