Lesson 25 - 12th December - Unusual Attitudes and Recovery
We had agreed that this week we had 3 options. The first was to continue with circuits and to get me back doing them on my own to do some solo consolidation. The second option was to go and do exercise 15, 'Unusual Attitudes and Recovery'. The final was to start looking at navigation and cross country. There was a cross wind on runway 2 5, so it was decided that it was too much for me to go solo, so we settled on the second option of unusual attitudes. We started by briefing the exercise and going through what the correct procedure was to recover from each of the 4 main unusual attitudes. Nose down - Set the power to idle and gently ease out of the dive. Pull up and when the aircraft has settled at about 60/70 knots, re-apply power to maintain straight and level flight. Nose up - Set the power to full to maintain the climb and then lower the nose to get back to level flight. Once level, reduce the power to maintain straight and level flight. Spiral ...