
Showing posts from August, 2020

Lesson 17 - 15th August - Exam Time

Woke today to find the weather in Gloucester was not conducive to flying.  I decided I would head to the airfield anyway as it is over an hour away and the weather can often be very different.  Today was not one of those days, in fact the weather was worse.  I had decided that if I couldn't fly I would try and sit an exam and as Graham was there, he was able to officiate and set the exam and then mark it. I have been studying Aircraft General for the last few weeks, so this was the one to sit.  I was a little surprised to find that it was a 50 question multiple choice paper with 1 hour 15 minutes to complete.  The previous 2 had been 20 questions and 30 or 45 minutes, if I remember correctly. So 50 questions worth 2 marks each and a pass mark of 70.  I set about it, reading the questions out loud as that makes them sink in better for me.  I completed the paper in 50 minutes and then Graham came in to mark it.  I only got 3 questions wrong, so a pa...

Lesson 16 - 1st August

Today was another hour continuing with circuits.  Once again the wind was pretty much straight down 2 5 so a repeat of all the previous circuits.  It was a little bit bumpy so not a perfect day. We concentrated on some take offs instead of just doing touch and go's and, obviously, on the landings.  Today it just seemed like an uphill trek!  Again I wasn't relaxed and was forcing the aircraft a bit too much.  I was very stiff with my legs and feet on the rudders and need to be a bit more relaxed there. Take off wise, these got a bit better as the hour went on and I must remember to keep the right rudder in more as the aircraft it as full power as there is more prop wash forcing it to yaw.  I need to watch my attitude in the turns, especially when I have different levels of flap on.  Landings, I need to concentrate on lining up with the centre line and using more of the rudder to steer the aircraft.  Dave also said that he wanted to feel me using th...