Lesson 15 - 22nd July
I was back with Dave Slater today and we carried on with circuits, touch and go's and landings. The wind was between 5 and 10 kts and pretty much down runway 25 again, so the same as last week. However, today was very thermic which made things quite bumpy and the aircraft was being moved about quite a bit. Overall, it wasn't too bad, considering the conditions but there were a number of takeaways. Circuit pattern was good but I have to watch my speed and altitude. I ranged from 300 feet to 800 feet on the down wind leg and the circuit height is 500 feet so I have to be careful to maintain that. Checks and radio calls were good. I tried to follow what I had written down for both of these. Turning on to final was OK but I was not always lined up on the centre line. I was in reasonable control of the speed coming in and was applying power when needed. It got better as the hour went by. Round out and landing was not good. I have a tendency to pull the sti...