
Showing posts from April, 2019

Trial Flight Number 2

Saturday 6th April 2019 Saturday dawned, and as I had been advised, I rang the office at GS Aviation just to make sure the flight was still on.  As with many things, flying is very weather dependant so I had to be sure before setting off.  As it happened, at 9:30am it was still a bit overcast at the airfield.  Microlight aircraft operate under what is called VFR, or Visual Flight Rules.  This means you have to be able to see a minimum distance before you can fly, there is no instrument rated flying, or IFR. As advised, I rang back around lunchtime to see if the flight was on.  To my delight, it was, but I was asked to get there a little earlier to make sure the weather didn't change. As previously said, GS Aviation is based on a farm, and this is a view of the airfield as you approach it. I made my way to the office and was greeted by Sue, the owner's wife, and she had me complete a day membership form for the club, so I could fly in one of their airc...

Trial Flight number 2 - Pre-amble

As mentioned in the previous couple of posts, I was not 100% convinced about my trial flight in the PA-28 out of Gloucester Airport.  I put a lot of detail in those posts, so will not repeat it all here as to the reasons why. The net result is that I have decided to have a 2nd trial flight, but this time in a microlight aircraft, to see if it has more of the 'kit car' vibe that I enjoy.  I suppose I want to see if it is more 'stripped out' and basic and, therefore, more fun. After some online research, I decided to go and see GS Aviation who are based at Clench Common Airfield, near Marlborough in Wiltshire.  After reading their website, I went ahead and paid for a 1 hour experience flight.  It is another £140 spent, but I have to make the right decisions at this stage, and I can't do that without trying this option first. Although I hadn't got a time booked in for my flight, I thought it would be a good idea to visit the airfield unannounced, to see what ...